Decussate –having the shape of a cross

If a loved one was stabbed to death, would you wear a replica of the knife around your neck? Then why wear a cross in the same regard? Of course I am referring to the Christian crucifix. The cross, this torture rack, was a murder weapon. The very origin of the Latin based word means to torture; crux from the verb cruciare. With the inception of Christianity, suffering became an acceptable part of the philosophy.
In our book The Measure of Christ’s Love, Jesus explains, “the true symbology of the cross is it represents the outpouring breath & the mercy of the Godhead to create change in the beliefs of a dying world.”
Of course, the cross is one of the most recognizable archetypes originating from various collective levels of the human consciousness. A cross represents different things during various periods.
In ancient cultures the decussate symbol (the cross) had meaning prior to its association with Christians, not just for decorative purposes, but seen as protective and sacred.
To some, the cross represented the union of heaven and earth, the sun and the galaxies, the human body, spirit, east, west, south & north, as well as the 4 elements and seasons. Others felt it represented the human form,
You may be surprised by the many variations of the decussate symbol and the following are some examples: Celtic cross, Arrow Cross, Medical Cross, Red Cross, Maltese Cross, The Cross Formee Branchee, The Cross in Astrology, Rosicrucian or Rose Cross, Anchor Cross, Papal Cross, Baptismal Cross, Lorrain or Orthodox Cross, Saint Peter Cross, Saint Andrew Cross, Latin or Roman Cross, Chi-Rho Cross, Coptic Cross, and Egyptian Cross or Ankh the Tau Cross.
I am also including the Swastika in this discussion because both the cross and the Swastika have a fascinating ancient history, the former dates back to the prehistoric era. And every symbol has multiple levels of meanings and always seems to represent more than the obvious
Modern day identity associates swastikas with Hitler and of course, racism, and most egregious, the horrors of anti-Semitism. This deprecating association of this once sacred symbol is such a shame because to many ancient cultures around the world, including Africa, the Far east, North America, and Europe, and to Hindus today, this symbol is auspicious and spiritual. The pre-Aryan Swastika in Sanskrit, Swastika, loosely meaning may it be auspicious. There is also a Greek translation essentially meaning good. Like the cross it symbolized the four directions and a world-wheel representing a constantly changing universe where the only constant is God, at the center. This was a symbol of Peace for many and the Hindu religion, people light earthen lamps in a formation of the ‘Swastika’, a Hindu symbol of peace in Hindu festival of Diwali, the festival of lights. If you compare the Hindu Swastika with Hitler’s interpretation, you will see he did turn the symbol slightly, and this supposedly had something to do with his initials—if you interested in the exact details there is a lot of information out there regarding the development and differences.
An interesting sidebar is, the Nazi’s may have been introduced to the swastika by Guido von List, known for his belief in mysticism. “According to List, the swastika was the symbol of a secret band of initiates called the Armanen or “children of the sun,” who flourished in ancient times. It may also have been reputable scholarly discussions of the Indo-European migrations of ancient peoples and cultures that were perverted to the anti-Semitic doctrine of an Aryan master-race.”(For more information on this here is the site I received this quote from:

The following is an excerpt from our book, The Measure of Christ’s Love, regarding the symbol of the cross as told by Jesus.
The Symbol of the Cross and Sin

There is an extraordinary amount of focus on the passion of Christ Jesus, and segments of my life have been brought to the forefront. For me, this is a distant memory. I am trying to make myself clear this is not something I want my followers to focus on. If anything, I yearn to uplift them, and take them off of the self-made crosses they have created in their own lives. Yet again, the cross I bore was not for anyone’s sins because all are without sin when holding the proper intention. As I told you, I did absorb negative karmic patterns; thus creating a positive shift in the energy returning to this planet. Those were challenging times. I ascended and stood before the thresholds of light, and felt peace in my heart as I departed. I was not afflicted by group consciousness; so as I said, I did not submit to negative thinking. I walked earth at the level of an avatar, an ascended master. This means I did not partake of the conscious in the lower mind, and my mind did not experience those tributaries, as most do. I had mastered a great deal in previous incarnations; thus it appeared as though I stood above all others, but this was only in higher consciousness earned from many experiences. Yes, I rose people from the dead, that accounting is accurate, and I walked among the population as a Christ, and communed with my God Presence, which oversouled me. I gave up my life so those drawn to my teachings may know love, and the glory of the higher heavens. I went before you to prepare the way, and to teach you how to hold the patterns of energy through the path of initiation, and become part of the Holy Order of the Body of Christ. The symbol of the cross for each one does not have to be a path of sacrifice. The Crucifixion symbolized that those in charge did not want change. This still occurs today, but in other forms of persecution, and many who speak the words of truth now feel like the outcasts, and pressured to operate outside the norm of society.

The true symbology behind the cross is it represents the outpouring breath, and the mercy of the Godhead to create change in the beliefs of a dying world. It is why I chose to incarnate at that particular time as Jesus; who was a bold man for the times. I was outspoken, and had a strong will to create change among the clergy who put themselves above the peasants. I lived during a time when there were vast divisions in class, and it is not what exists in the realms of our Father. It is this consciousness that continues to bind earth in the lower octaves. You are each placed on earth to be in service to each other. To ensure you are no longer slaves to your lower mind, I will assist you in removing the cross.

Catherine Julian Dove’s anecdote: In my early training with Christ, I saw myself dressed in a nun’s habit, watching Jesus carrying the cross. I ran to him, taking the cross and carrying it myself. He took it back from me and said, “Surrender the cross.” It took me years to figure out what he wanted from me. As I reviewed this chapter, I recalled a time when I was shopping for friends stopping over for an Easter message. There was a cake pan in the shape of a cross I was about to purchase when I heard Jesus say, “Don’t make me a cross cake.” I told him I thought it was nice, but he laughed and replied, “I really don’t want you to make me a cake in the shape of a cross.” It was very hard for me to give up this idea, but I did and it really made an impact on me.

Note: In full disclosure, only because I like the symbol, I occasionally wear a cross, but not ever a crucifix.

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