
Understanding of these issues will not come from boringly pedantic or moralistic philosopher’s promulgations debating compatibilism vs. determinism that has roots to ancient Greek philosophers. Neurophilosophers may be able to shed some enlightenment on the fundamental ontological studies, the most general branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature of being; however, for most of us, going within is ultimately where all answers are accessed. It is not about accumulating thoughts, but uncluttering. Resistance stops growth. When the mind identifies with something it becomes attached and possessive. This mis-identification, especially the personalization, is what asphyxiates us. When you think about it, attachment, even to a specific philosophy or religion, is ridiculous, simply put, your floor is someone else’s ceiling.
Imagine living in a world where everything is preordained. One would hope God’s scrupulous providence would be more harmonious. Then again, one would have to believe there is a Source, if you do then you may agree God is behind every breath and nothing is ever forced upon us; therefore, our thoughts, deeds and actions, including incarnations, are freely chosen for the purpose of ascension.
Free will is considered an act done willingly not by coercion. In traditional philosophy free will is understood as a result of decisions and human behavior is not solely determined by external causes; rather, by the individual’s intentions. And what would be the point of fate? Uncertainty and change are guarantees in this particular universe. Human behavior is not unique to free will as most philosophers and even spiritual libertarians may think. Planet earth is also on an undetermined path with ascension as the primary goal. Animals, under the guidance of the Elemental Kingdoms, belong to soul groups, and also have free will.

It could be argued, one without cerebral behavioral control is not truly free and atheists would not align with the metaphysical that it was the soul’s choice to incarnate and experience that existence, perhaps as an example to others. On the other hand, since accidents do happen in this third dimension world, mainly because of all the suffering, if this occurred through a mishap then the soul’s council and Presence would intervene. (The ascended master Jesus insists there is a misunderstanding prevalent on planet earth that everything happens for a reason.)
Clive Staples Lewis, the academic and novelist, better known as C. S. Lewis, states in his book, Miracles, there are those that believe the universe is a vast process in which all events are a result of past acts within the system and he labels these folks Naturalists. Super-naturalists, according to Lewis, believe “interruptions or interventions” occur in our Universe from some other systems outside it. He thought a supernatural intervention, termed a miracle, is not scientifically detectable. He argues, miracles are definite interventions, consistent with nature, but these events are beyond natural law. Lewis does support the real possibility of a Source and this is the origin of the supernatural intervening on our behalf through miracles. I must note Lewis’s book, Miracles, was released during the infancy stages of a belief in Quantum Mechanics.
John Locke, a leading philosopher of empiricism, much like Aristotle, Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes, asserts all knowledge comes from sensory experience, emphasizing evidence. He philosophized free will did not make any sense. His main argument, as I see it, is: If one is responsible for what one does in a given situation, then one must be responsible for the way one is in certain mental aspects. According to Locke, it is impossible for one to be responsible for the way one is any respect. He thought it unfeasible for souls to have any say in their mental or physical creation. To which I fervidly disagree and although master Jesus touches on this topic in our book, The Measure of Christ’s Love (MCL), channeled through Catherine Julian Dove, in a future tome we discuss, in depth, creationism vs. Darwinism; the nature of being and the Elohim, often referred to as the architects mentioned many times in bibles, that created our vehicles, our bodies, the place for our souls to reside while on earth. The Elohim, for those unfamiliar, are the guardians of the light force energy used in the formation of many universes, including earth, but the Great Silence is where we all place our origins. Once again, the Elohim did not create our Presence; they were very involved in the design of the physical body, and a place for it to inhabit. It is essential to remember the Father Himself created our souls, our divine nature, and our God Presence, and this is where all of us, including the Elohim, originated. To be perfectly clear, it is my belief there is only One Supreme God or Great Silence. Originally, earth was designed to be a garden world; however, because of our free will,–one of the attractions for coming to this planet,–humankind’s choices have flipped the energy switch.
It cannot be stressed enough how the consciousness and free will affect all aspects of your existence, and the planet; ultimately, one is personally responsible for the way one is. In MCL, Jesus discusses how each of us consciously accepted uncertainty as a tradeoff for the experience of coming to earth with free will. This is why there is much indecision, and frustration regarding the outcome of situations, and the birthing process causes humans to forget they are all multifaceted. Flashes of wisdom do occur, and there are times when the human spirit soars to impressive heights, and seems to know truth within self, but these are momentary awakenings. The reason for this is human consciousness is not developed enough to hold the transfer of higher thought forms, which is the state avatars continually dwell in. Another problem in communicating metaphysical sciences is we do not have a corresponding language to fully comprehend the levels of mastery necessary to completely grasp deep concepts or to even experience our God Presence. This is why librettos are used to illustrate and deepen awareness of things of a divine nature. Love, in its purest form, is the closest image most humans are able to grasp.
Also in MCL, the Karmic Board explain how we take part in choosing our level of intelligence, body type, health, and so on, prior to incarnating, challenging Locke’s theory. Here are some abridged excerpts of what occurs prior to a soul incarnation:
“In most cases, the soul seeks opportunities to learn through favorable experiences, although this is not always the case on earth because of freewill. In many instances, the incarnating soul chooses an environment that will support its choices.” (MCL)
“The mentality of the soul before a new embodiment determines the level of intelligence it desires, and it sends a wave signal to the planet for a corresponding opportunity. The soul is then required to take a careful look at its soul records to identify the pros and cons of each embodiment before choosing its birth parents, and there are counseled meetings between the soul, and the prospective parents.” (MCL)
“The incoming soul enters a spiral of light containing its DNA, and necessary components for birth.
As the spiral comes closer to the earth plane it enters a veil of forgetfulness, and its memories from previous incarnations are placed in a chamber in the memory body in the fourth dimension. Unless the soul advances on a spiritual path it usually does not have access to these records.” (MCL)

“Souls exist that have difficulty with the experience of birthing on this planet, and enter forms where the embryo is not properly developing. In some cases, advanced souls may choose these opportunities to assist parents or family members in experiencing lessons involved with providing for an infant with disabilities. Other souls entering mangled energy fields accept these incarnations as a form of service, and sometimes do not foresee how challenging their lives will be. In other cases, there are a large number of souls still fragmented when incarnating, meaning within them there are aspects of self not in proper attunement with their divine nature; these are fragmented parts of the personality where disturbing thoughts transpire, hellish images are imagined, and where too many souls lose their will to live. This explains why some personalities do not appear to be whole, and need a considerable amount of healing throughout their sojourn.” (MCL) Nevertheless, this experience was their choice, their will.
Classic compatibilists like the previously mentioned Thomas Hobbes, primarily known as a political philosopher, felt individuals act on their will only if it is their desire or decide otherwise, as is their choice. He rejects free will in favor of determinism, a concept that treats freedom as being able to do what one desires. To some, determinism is a doctrine that everything, including every act, is caused by something; therefore there cannot be true free will.
I relate more to the contemporary compatibilist’s argument it is the person’s will that got them there in the first place, albeit subconsciously. Though it is my perception in this third dimension world we have free will under an umbrella of constraints decided upon prior to incarnating, and our souls play a big role in that decision making.
In MCL, master Jesus states, “This ability to create with freewill what you wish to experience with ease and grace is within everyone. Your outer manifestations are really affected by personal beliefs, your level of intelligence, group consciousness, and karmic patterns. Frequencies of creation are all around, and doors continuously open and close.”

“The impressions received from Source are always of the highest form, but you have the freewill to mis-qualify this pure light, qualified light, resulting in holes in your aura; thus allowing negative emotions, thoughts, and actions through. (Qualified light is pure, positive energy we receive from our I Am Presence, and our God Source, and it holds pure thought.) (MCL)

There is hard and soft determinism with a variety of ramified definitions. Soft determinism is the principle compatibilism and determinism are compatible, and a belief in both is not logically inconsistent. In other words, compatibilists concur free will co-exists with determinism in the same fashion incompatibilist disagree. It may come down to semantics, compatibilists state free will (or freedom) can exist or not, metaphysics aside. Take the legal system, without any constraints or consideration to metaphysical philosophies; courts consistently decide if one acted upon their own volition.
Causal or what I call karmic determinism means you are living today what you created yesterday. In the first published science article in the early 1800’s Peirre-Simon Laplace discusses causal determinism where he states something to the effect if one knows the precise location and momentum of every atom in the universe, their past and future values for any given time are entailed; they can be calculated from the laws of classical mechanics, which is one of two major sub-fields of mechanics concerned with the set of physical laws and comes from the ancient sciences studying the motion of bodies. In other words, future acts occur as a direct result of past and present events. Laplace poses an energy that knows all past and present facts, along with the governing laws of nature for this particular universe. He suggests that energy, based on that information, is able to determinate the future to the most minute detail. To a point, he was on the right track. Unfortunately, most humans do not have a corresponding language to fully comprehend the levels of mastery it takes to clearly experience or communicate with the unseen worlds. We do not have such things as psychic peeping Toms; however, there are many avatars and highly intuitive channels able to see the future. All I have studied or known personally, do not receive every detail and each has their genres. In the Foreword of MCL, there is the following simplified scientific definition of how channeling occurs and divine knowledge is shared:
Jesus explains what occurs when teachings are brought forth in this manner: “Our selection of messengers on earth is quite limited, for they have to hold a certain range of mastery previously developed within them. Divine messages can only come through someone who is able to carry the frequency of the Christ, and their hearts must be extremely pure. When we, other ascended masters, and I, speak through our oracles there is a piercing light that descends through the crown center and oversouls the physical form. It is how we utilize the voice to bring our work onto this planet.”

Some follow the so-called logical determinism, wherein all past, present and future events must be true or false. As I see it, there cannot be any semblance of freewill, if in fact what one does now or in the future is already determined in the present as true or false.

All comportments or desires ascertained by our environment, genetic coding or chemical make-up is considered biological determinism and you can add to the mix psychological and acculturation determinism. Then we have Theological determinism,–of course there is. It is the idea every thought, word and deed is determined and known by Source. He either already knows every action in advance or diktats it. Where is the free will here, if God is orchestrating every action and thought? How would Moses respond in regards to the Ten Commandments? For whatever value, my personal belief is God is desire less, but for lack of proper linguistics, His one desire is our love.
How can the argument exist that to be truly free one must be clueless and required to lack the capacity to know subsequent thoughts or the ability to control their future actions? This disambiguation suggests free acts are uncaused and I consider this an oxymoron. It demonstrates the weave of many so-called philosophic predicaments. Emphasize of the conversation should not be didactical; rather, highlight intentions and responsibility of every thought and action autonomous of anything. The bottom line, be accountable, and authentic. At the very core is a lack of responsibility. Lego the ego.

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