Since the paranormal is our normal, it is natural for those in our spiritual community to completely accept the concept we are all meant to be Christs. My late partner, Catherine Julian Dove, and I had many conversations with various ascended masters and relate to them as our brothers and sisters. It is actually bazaar to imagine Jesus as God and this is part of the problem he and other ascended masters contend with in a third dimension world such as ours. Jesus said many master teachers, even higher than him, come to planet earth and have to deal with humans thinking the masters are gods or God. Yet, when they try to teach us how very powerful we are and explain we too are meant to become Christs, it is taken as blasphemous; rather, than truth. If as individuals we realize we do create our own realities and thoughts are as powerful as the spoken word we would create huge shifts in the future of our world. I would love for everyone to think of their actions and thoughts as karmic boomerangs because indeed this is how the universe, which is conscious intelligence, operates. It is not God that punishes us for nefarious acts or refuses to grant our desires, that is Old Testament thinking and simply not true. Here is a scientific explanation: What happens is this, everything is energy. When we put something out in the world, negative or positive, realize we cannot judge without experiencing our own judgments. This does not mean God or our I Am Presence will take anything away from us, but our energy patterns will create a bridge to that circuit the soul is judging, and set up a lesson for us based on that judgment. This occurs on levels below the conscious mind and our conscious feeling world, but this is not done to disgrace us. It is to teach all are a part of experience in the realms of duality. We have accumulated good in the spiraling rings around our I Am Presence. This is where our miraculous gifts come from, and why small indiscretions we perform fizzle out easily in comparison to the good we accrue. Our Creator is truly a God of Reason. If we allow Him to come in this manner, be a just people, then we will reap a rewarding afterlife.
Book excerpt from The Measure of Christ’s Love
Resurrecting the Christ Within
Christ beckons you to be Open to Unfamiliar Possibilities
Some of you have reached deep within, and are contemplating that there may be a spiritual existence superior to the one you are currently experiencing. There certainly is! When you, as a spiritual seeker, consciously move into my kingdom you realize you are not servants of Jesus the Christ; rather, initiates of the Body of Christ preparing to receive the mind of Christ. This places you in the position of discipleship. As the Christ Oversoul, the individualized focus of the God spark embodies all on this path. In truth, if you are a serious spiritual seeker, all your intentions should be focused on becoming a disciple of this Holy Order of the Body of Christ. Not in worshiping me as Jesus the Christ, but as joining me in its frequency. This is what I meant in the Bible when I spoke the words:
“I tell you the truth it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:23–24).
I came to teach the hidden mysteries of how to complete the path to your own Christed Oversoul and Christed mind. It is what I taught my disciples while I was on the planet as Jesus, and what I still teach
in my sanctuary. Many secret meanings are in my teachings, and to understand them takes an open heart, and a willingness to work with me. Excessive materialism is consuming, turn away and take upon you the staff of the Good Shepherd, as I have done. It is the Celestial Christ Emmanuel, I, as the man Jesus merged with, and he is the one holding the Mantle of the Christ for all beings. This is why I am the way and the light to the pattern of energy known as the Christos, the Diamond Mind, and to the purity of the Spoken Word that brought consciousness in the form of flesh. It is for this reason I come forth to make humankind whole once again. Be patient, it takes time to raise the holy fire within. My staff is charged with an enormous light, and I never use it to control anyone, only to guide souls. I truly honor each individual choice, for I understand there is a lesson in the outcome the soul desires to experience. I speak of the divine nature that dwells within all beings, and in each breath there is a resonance of the Trinity energies. It is a light flowing through me, Jesus, as well as through every individual, because we are all a part of it. I shepherd you until you are able to hold your own light. Within the chalice of my heart is also the bread of life, and everyone who partakes of this gift is brought to my home. In truth, I bring onto me all who love me and ask me to be their teacher. Many will follow me, their way-shower, to the columns of light that lead to the heavenly worlds. Commit to a daily exercise of noting where your thoughts and
emotions wander. Create a fixed point of consciousness that eventually will become the still point within self, where I will be experienced. True spiritual seekers of wisdom will discover that serving two masters will not work because you cannot serve the lower thought forms, the thresholds of the poor of heart, and still be a part of the higher consciousness. As you become comfortable with monitoring your intentions behind every action you will notice an increased desire to make more conscious behavioral changes, especially when handling everyday situations. If called upon, I will respond and be that guidepost. I knock often on the door of the hearts and minds of all who call to me; yet there are times when I answer, and those professing they love me, hold judgments and block my way. To be totally free you need to be born anew, and this newness will create a freedom within. One way to experience a rebirth of thoughts and emotions is by working with spirit descending through the Star of David. The star raises the energy frequency around the human aura field and the physical body, and the frequency rises because it opens
additional chakras that are not part of the ego personality. Then you will stand as I did and say, “As I am above, so I am below.” Each of you consciously accepted uncertainty as a tradeoff for the experience of coming to earth. This is why there is much indecision, and frustration regarding the outcome of situations, and the birthing process causes humans to forget they are all multifaceted. Flashes of wisdom do occur, and there are times when the human spirit soars to impressive heights, and you seem to know truth
within self, but these are momentary awakenings. The reason for this is human consciousness is not developed enough to hold the transfer of higher thought forms, which is the state I continually dwell in. I am the living master of unconditional love, love divine, and respect for all evolving consciousness. I taught a doctrine of never causing harm to another; yet there are wars, hatred, and division between people, and often in my name. That was not my message or the message of any ascended master communicating with earth from the regions of the highest heaven. Begin now to recognize there are divisive teachings given to humankind throughout its evolutions. The sub-planes, astral planes,
and various regions between heaven, and earth, are populated by many levels of beings, overlords, even demigods. They are not fully carrying the light of their own God awareness, which regrettably played a role in releasing doctrines of faith to earth through their dark messengers. Unfortunately, what is not understood is even in these regions there are hierarchies of teachers, angels, and others posing as beings of knowledge many confuse with teachers sent by God. Their doctrines are mixed, and while some hold certain truths, they are largely lacking in the message of divine and universal love for all creation. Connecting to these lower realms also created distortions in certain religions. If teachings divide humankind, promote fear, empower one sex over another, and do not show respect toward human or animal life, know they are not a teaching from the gateway I speak from. God never condones war nor does He hate or show favor to His creations. If you believe God is saying anything other than to love one another, you are following a false teaching, and not receiving the information from those who dwell in the regions of paradise. I came to earth to set in motion the awareness that God is a loving and forgiving Father, and not a Being that scorns His creations. Sadly, what a good many do not realize is when they follow these lesser doctrines they descend to the level of the being that created these principles of limitation, and after death they may even be convinced it is heaven, but it is not. In other words, those partaking in that behavior will end up in an astral world or a lesser realm. There they will be with their tribe sharing beliefs under the ruler ship of the being that created that doctrine, but they will not gain entrance to the true heavens, the regions of paradise, by following such a path. Some regions have set up their own idea of a trinity, but they are not the Trinity of the Immaculate Concept. Hatred, anger, and killing those who do not share your beliefs are not gateways to heaven. In many cases, these misguided souls eventually return to earth with the same belief or gender of those they oppressed, for this is karmic law. (Vera’s comment: For example, if a person is prejudice toward a race, religion, gender or displays fanatical patriotism, they could reincarnate to experience what it feels like to be disgraced. Consider another case, an insensitive, pretentious, wealthy, and greedy individual might return born in poverty.)
Each human being has a divine soul desiring their personality to eventually come home to a greater awareness of its divine nature; to an expanded consciousness where I have prepared a place for them. The Oversoul I ascended to is where I am guiding those who choose to follow, and it is where I wait for each soul to return to; however, not all will arrive there after this lifetime. Again, it is a choice and all certainly may enter the path of enlightenment now by asking to develop their spiritual understanding. When in harmony with all of creation your spirit will feel as if it is soaring, and you may identify this as the spirit of me, Jesus or as the Love of God within you; it is the Higher Presence awakening the spiritual path within the seeker who is developing a sense of divine purpose. Each person is a gift from our Creator expressing God’s love onto the world. How God creates or expresses love through each creation may not necessarily be the same, but there must be respect for one another, and that alone will turn the tides on this world. I now introduce the concept that an intention needs to be held to make a significant inner discovery to evolve the currents of light, sound, and energy, pouring forth through your crystal cord, which is a membrane of light from your I Am Presence created in the image and likeness of the Divine Mind. This crystal cord connects the human soul to the unseen regions of the world of the divine soul, and it is what keeps the physical body alive. Its energy pours down from the I Am Presence through many regions to supply the body with life. As you evolve, the crystal cord extends beyond the astral and mental planes into higher regions made available to the evolving human soul from the I Am Presence. As the light progresses an awakening occurs on many levels, and the human personality develops some of its divine characteristics. Your consciousness expands and you experience greater wisdom and gifts from spirit. It is important to mention if you are tied to a limited belief your advances will only grow to the level you are comfortable with. This means if a spiritual leader or a spiritual seeker believes in the teachings of an ancient doctrine and will not release those tenants, they will only penetrate wisdom to a certain degree, for they are still limited in their ability to see all of creation as one living energy from one loving God. To receive additional light from the heavens you must develop proper intentions, and be willing to embrace all doctrines of truth. As you understand the consequences of intentions on your lives, and the lives of your loved ones, you realize when you are aligned with spirit you receive more of God’s radiance through the crystal cord descending from your I Am Presence. When I walked the earth as Jesus many were preoccupied with outer disturbances; therefore, unable to understand my messages. This is the reason I sometimes spoke in parables, but the times are different now. The messengers I work through today are more spiritually developed and hold higher initiations. They can bring through profoundly clear comprehension and explanations of the words I spoke as Jesus the Christ, but do not be distracted by those calling themselves the earthly fathers. Some are extremely serious about taking on that title, but not all are worthy of becoming shepherds of my flock. To be a slave or controlled by anyone is not the pattern you were created to uphold, now dwell within and reflect upon this. Each day and in every moment call upon the blessings of the Holy Spirit to walk with you, to guide your path, to assist you in knowing God. In knowing our Creator you begin the journey to your placement in the heavens. Everyone exists for an eternity, and it is one of the reasons our Creator patiently waits for those developing far from the heavens.
The seed of awakening sprouts when soul decides to embrace it, but I will never step in to control anyone. As a divine being I am, in a sense, an arm of God, and I allow those weary on the path to rest within my arms. It is a service I gladly give, and I truly honor each traveler on their path. I am proud of spiritual seekers and those who desire to know me now, and understand what I represent. I have the ability to be with everyone who turns toward me, and be their counsel, their guide, and to help them understand that the greater part of Christ also exists within them. Every one of you is given the power of knowing the Christ within, and this is accomplished by severing acts that disrupt the light of the divine soul yearning to dwell within humankind. The majority is more familiar with following energies that bring destruction, despair, and illness; rather, than unmasking the gifts of joy God has bestowed upon our souls.