There are women like me that will never win a Mother’s Day contest or get invited on a talk show celebrating this holiday, not because we don’t deserve it, but for the reason our offspring are either estranged, deceased or … Continue reading
Bravo and thank you Gary Trudeau for having more courage than Jeff Light, a San Diego’s Union Tribune editor, by taking a stand on a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body. In his effort to silence Trudeau, … Continue reading
There are so many no-brainer issues; however, nothing comes close to standing up for humanitarian efforts like modern day slavery, animal rights, and the heartrending, catastrophic on-going situation in south Sudan. I am outraged that I still have to address … Continue reading
PLEASE DO NOT TEACH CHILDREN TO FEAR GOD! If a teaching is not loving than it is not from God. Be ever conscious of not contributing more negativity to this world and mindful of those you align with. I … Continue reading