A child dying before the parents should be against the Universal law. These are some thoughts I imagine all parents who have lost children may be thinking. After loosing our son and a daughter estranged I took the liberty to … Continue reading
Understanding of these issues will not come from boringly pedantic or moralistic philosopher’s promulgations debating compatibilism vs. determinism that has roots to ancient Greek philosophers. Neurophilosophers may be able to shed some enlightenment on the fundamental ontological studies, the most … Continue reading
Since the paranormal is our normal, it is natural for those in our spiritual community to completely accept the concept we are all meant to be Christs. My late partner, Catherine Julian Dove, and I had many conversations with various … Continue reading
Mercury Retrograde I have a lot of respect for the astrological sciences, but do not claim to have in depth knowledge about them. However, I am intrigued with one’s Saturn Return and I do pay attention when the planet of … Continue reading
If a loved one was stabbed to death, would you wear a replica of the knife around your neck? Then why wear a cross in the same regard? Of course I am referring to the Christian crucifix. The cross, this … Continue reading
This is a difficult topic not only because I do not want to be judgmental; however, this fine line is what makes it so important. Adding to the complexity are cults or religions having judgment at their core and most … Continue reading
Book shelves are filled with literature on creating financial prosperity and the promise of revealing absolute secrets insuring your desired outcome. Most of us have heard or read these familiar phrases; Ask, believe, than receive, God has a plan, it … Continue reading
There was this bird that whenever he caught his reflection in the window he would get angry and repeatedly bang his beak against the glass in an attempt to attack his very own reflection. When the bird would try to … Continue reading
Row, row, row, your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream……that song conjures up pleasant childhood memories for me. I grew up in a smallConnecticutbeach town and on those warm lazy summer days … Continue reading